Hey guys! I have a really fun guest post today with Ben from The Online Grill! Ben cooks up some great recipes like Pumpkin Juice (um, hello, tugging at my Harry Potter nerd heartstrings), and also writes fantastic, super helpful how-to articles about food, like 13 Mistakes You’re Making When Cooking Eggs. Plus, he’s giving us an awesome turmeric smoothie today, and turmeric is sooo in right now. What? You haven’t been bombarded with turmeric recipes yet this year? Oh, you will. Just wait. Anyway, go check out Ben’s site and enjoy his guest post below for this delicious turmeric smoothie in all its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, healing glory!

Easy Ginger & Turmeric Antioxidant Smoothie

Hello fellow food fanatics. I’m Ben, the culinary fiend behind The Online Grill!

A little background on Ben…I cycle. I cycle a lot. Cranking up the miles however led me to constant flirtations with hypoglycemia, and after one too many faint spells I decided to take my eating seriously. Bored of a constant, grueling stream of pasta meals two or three times a day, I made a vow to make my food as inventive and – above all else – fun as possible. All of this while still giving me enough energy to ride 27 miles a day as part of my working day. Eating with a healthy conscious doesn’t have to be dull.

Today I wanted to share a superfood smoothie that is not only delicious, but also has been proven to do great stuff for your liver and mood… although I won’t lie: It being delicious is the bit I’m most concerned about!

What I especially love about this recipe is its use of turmeric. What’s great about this spice is its mustard-like taste which somehow also manages to also hit sweet notes. Now, bear with me as it’s not the most obvious smoothie ingredient, but it goes fantastically well with the right ingredients.

Turmeric has long been linked with improving the wellbeing of your liver, as well as improving the condition of your skin and boosting your brain’s serotonin levels. The perfect remedy the day after a particularly alcohol-heavy night! I’ve actually written before about the health benefits of turmeric before. Be sure to check it out!

I’ve seen different takes on this recipe also add in half a cup of chia seeds and a serving of plain protein powder. I agree that these are great to add but are by no means necessary so don’t sweat it if you don’t have these at hand!

Normally for a recipe I’d go into almost painstaking detail describing the method but the truth is with this that you just need to throw it all in a blender and turn it on for a minute until thick and smooth. Don’t you just love smoothies?!

If you enjoy this recipe then feel free to experiment. A squeeze of half a lemon is always a great addition to add a slight tart flavor to these, and bananas always help to give you a bit more froth in the mix.

I hope you all enjoy giving this a go, and be sure to let me know if you have different takes on this recipe. I always love to try new takes on recipes!

Now on with the recipe…

Antioxidant Turmeric Smoothie 2 (1)

Guest Post: Easy Turmeric and Ginger Antioxidant Smoothie
Prep time
Total time
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup spinach
  • ½ ripe avocado
  • ½ cup blueberries
  • ½ Tbsp honey
  • ½ Tbsp coconut oil
  • ½ tsp turmeric powder
  • ½ tsp ground ginger
  1. Throw it all in the blender and blend it up for about a minute, until completely smooth.

Ben Smith blogs at TheOnlineGrill.com.

Antioxidant Turmeric Smoothie 1

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