Anya Kaats is an Integrative Nutrition health Coach, photographer, marketer, and astrologer. She has worked in the natural products industry on the brand side, and then on the blogger/ influencer side, and experienced a huge shift in her business about a year ago after going through some really tough health and personal shit. Now, her (kickass) business is less focused on food, and more of a personal brand, on dealing with grief, astrology and recently started her own podcast called a Millennial’s Guide to Saving the World.

Spoiler alert: I know I always say the podcast is uncensored but this one is really an *uncensored episode* – Anya gives zero f**ks and we definitely bring out each other’s sailor mouths (and f-bombs). So if that’s not your thing you might not like this episode. Just a fair warning.

In this episode we talk about:

  • Starting your own business in the natural products industry, then totally transforming that business into a completely new vision and starting essentially a second business from the ground-up.
  • Going through tough shit like getting a divorce only seven months into your marriage, getting kicked out of your house and having your health fall apart all at the same time – and how to keep your personal business going through all that without totally losing your shit.
  • Embracing the complexity of wellness and happiness.
  • Knowing that you can’t just eat the right food, do the right foods, have a spiritual practice… you have to do all the things to be truly healthy and happy.
  • Anya’s new found love for astrology and how it helped her get through an extremely tough time in her life

Check out Anya’s latest project: A Millennial’s Guide to Saving the World on iTunes!

Anya is a writer, photographer and astrologer who lives in Topanga, CA. Professionally she spent much of the last 10 years working in creative marketing for natural products brands. A former health & wellness blogger, health coach and someone who suffered from lifelong health issues, Anya finally found healing after confronting and diving into the emotional root of her body’s physical symptoms. With her new Podcast, “A Millennial’s Guide to Saving the World,” Anya hopes to inspire others to do both the internal and external healing that’s so needed at this time.

Instagram: @anya.kaats

Millennial’s Guide to Saving the World Podcast @mgswpod

Anya’s book recommendation: The Wild Edge of Sorrow by Francis Weller

Podcast recommendation: Chris Ryan – Tangentially Speaking

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